Event Factoid

Date: Not before 0519-11-05Event Factoid: After 4 Teshri II A. Gr. 831 ( 4 November A. D. 519 ), Bishop Pawlā refused to accept the Council of Chalcedon . When Patricius threatened to remove him from Edessa he fled to the House of Baptism . Fearing the command of Emperor Justin , Patricius removed Bishop Pawlā to Seleucia .


  • Ignatius Guidi (ed.), Chronica Minora, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, vol. 1-2; Scriptores Syri, tomus 1-2 (Paris: E Typographeo Reipublicae, 1903), p: 10.
  • Benjamin Harris Cowper, "Selections from the Syriac. No. 1: The Chronicle of Edessa." Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record n.s. 5.9 (1864), part: 89.

How to cite:

Daniel L. Schwartz , https://spear-prosop.org/8559-465, general editor Daniel L. Schwartz, 2023-03-22-04:00.