SPEAR Factoids about Decrees
Syriaca.org URI: http://syriaca.org/keyword/decrees
event: In November A. D. 201 Teshri II A. Gr. 513 , Abgar commanded the removal of the flood gates of Edessa . See factoid page
event: In November A. D. 201 Teshri II A. Gr. 513 , Abgar commanded the craftsmen of Edessa to remove their cottage from the banks of the Daisan river . See factoid page
event: In 411/2 A. Gr. 723 Rabbula built in Edessa the House of Mar Stephanos previously called the House of the Sabbath of the Jews of Edessa by the command of Theodosius . See factoid page
event: In November A. D. 201 Teshri II A. Gr. 513 , Abgar commanded those who live in the portico of Edessa not to lodge in their cottages during the winter. See factoid page
event: After November A. D. 201 Teshri II A. Gr. 513 , Abgar commanded to be built a royal house in Beth Tabara where he dwelt during the winters. See factoid page
event: After November A. D. 201 Teshri II A. Gr. 513 , Abgar remitted the taxes of Edessa and the surrounding towns for five years on account of the flood. See factoid page
event: In 511/2 This regularized date was calculated by the SPEAR editor from a non-calendrical dating system such as regnal years, etc. the 21st year of the reign of Anastasios Anastasios commanded them to open the coffin of Euphemia the martyr , remove the book placed there by the Council of Chalcedon , and burn it. Anastasios relented when fire from heaven struck the faces of those wishing to remove it . This regularized date was calculated by the SPEAR editor from a non-calendrical dating system such as regnal years, etc. See factoid page
event: On 4 November A. D. 519 4 Teshri II A. Gr. 831 Patricius arrived in Edessa at the command of the Emperor Justin in order to urge Bishop Pawlā to receive the Council of Chalcedon or else be deposed. See factoid page
event: After 4 November A. D. 519 4 Teshri II A. Gr. 831 , Bishop Pawlā refused to accept the Council of Chalcedon . When Patricius threatened to remove him from Edessa he fled to the House of Baptism . Fearing the command of Emperor Justin , Patricius removed Bishop Pawlā to Seleucia . See factoid page
event: In 520/1 A. Gr. 832 , the Emperor Justin returned Bishop Pawlā to his episcopal see in Edessa hoping that he would accept the Council of Chalcedon . See factoid page
event: Pawlā refused to accept the Council of Chalcedon and on 27 July 27 A. D. 522 27 Tammuz A. Gr. 833 Emperor Justin deposed him and exiled him to Euchata . See factoid page
How to cite:
“Keyword Page for Decrees,” in SPEAR: Syriac Persons Events and Relations, general editor Daniel L. Schwartz, $nav-base/aggregate/keyword/decrees.html, 2023-03-23T12:44:10.055-04:00.Related keyword(s)
- Decrees
- Architecture
- Council of Chalcedon (451)
- Councils
- Deposition of clergy
- Exile
- Bishops
- Saints
- Holy places
- Synagogues
Related person(s)
- Abgar VIII — ܐܒܓܪ
- Anonymi 2231 — Those who live in the portico in Edessa in November 201
- Pawla — ܦܘܠܐ
- Justin I — ܝܘܣܛܝܢܐ
- Anastasios I — ܐܢܣܛܘܣ
- Euphemia, the martyr — ܐܘܦܝܡܝܐ
- Anonymi 2219 — Those struck by fire in 511/2 because they wanted to remove the book placed in the coffin of Euphemia the Martyr by the Council of Chalcedon
- Rabbula of Edessa — ܪܒܘܠܐ ܕܐܘܪܗܝ
- Stephen — ܐܣܛܦܢܘܣ
- Theodosius II — ܬܐܘܕܘܣܝܘܣ
- Patricius — ܦܛܪܝܩ
- Anonymi 2229 — The craftsmen of Edessa in November 201