SPEAR Factoids about religious-disputes
Syriaca.org URI: http://syriaca.org/keyword/religious-disputes
event: Sergius received a blessing from Maro and then set out to visit the churh in Amida. Sergius walked into the church in Amida, carrying a cross, and planted his cross on the chancel steps before seizing the preacher, Bishop Abraham, by the neck and throwing him to the ground. Sergius mounted the steps and addressed the crowd: "Cursed are the renegades; cursed are the persecutors; cursed is the synod of Chaledon, and whosoever assents to it. Cursed is every soul that receives the oblation from you and assents to your opinion unless he repents." The crowd, a mixture of believers and synod supporters, responded with praise and anger. See factoid page