Event Factoid
https://spear-prosop.org/3099-1Date: Sometime between 0519 and 0520Event Factoid:
Sometime between 519-520
Severus of Antioch sent a letter to
John and
John on the subjects of
whether or not non-Chalcedonian exiles in Egypt should take communion; and the question of what to do about
Epimachus , a devout man ordained to the clergy
but who had entered into a second marriage; and questions about the ordination of deacons and deaconesses in monasteries.
- E. W. Brooks (ed.), Translation, The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of Severus Patriarch of Antioch in the Syriac Version of Athanasius of Nisibis vol. 2.1 (Oxford: Williams and Norgate, 1903), p: 132-40.