Event Factoid

Date:Sometime between 0519 and 0525Event Factoid: Sometime between 519 and 525 Severus of Antioch anwered a letter he received from Photius and Andrew on the subject of receiving clergy from Nestorian and Diphysite groups who renounce their heresy and make a right confession and on whether or not catechumens, the demon possed, and penitents should be present for the Lord's Supper. Severus of Antioch states that after a period of repentance they should be received into the same rank without re-baptism or re-ordination.


How to cite:

Daniel L. Schwartz , https://spear-prosop.org/3134-43, in The Letters of Severus of Antioch, edited by Daniel L. Schwartz, general editor Daniel L. Schwartz, 2023-03-22-04:00.