SPEAR Factoids about Blame

Syriaca.org URI: http://syriaca.org/keyword/blame

event: Mare confronted Justinian and Theodora concerning the persecution. Because of his words and dress, they esteemed him a holy man, and gave him a hundred weight of gold, which he promptly threw away. See factoid page

event: In reference to Thomas, Severus refutes Cassian's blaming of the mutilation on the corrupt bishop Julian, suggesting instead that Thomas be allowed to remain in the clergy on the condition that the accident was due to illness performed by a physician. See factoid page

event: Theophilus and Maria made John promise to conceal their secret, or else they would leave Amida. See factoid page

event: Severus condemned the late bishop Simeon for being a greedy and corrupt bishop. See factoid page

How to cite:

“Keyword Page for Blame,” in SPEAR: Syriac Persons Events and Relations, general editor Daniel L. Schwartz, $nav-base/aggregate/keyword/blame.html, 2023-03-23T12:36:59.767-04:00.