SPEAR Factoids about Prophecy

Syriaca.org URI: http://syriaca.org/keyword/prophecy

event: Symy prophesied many things that came to pass, including his own death three and a half years after assuming the office of archimandrite. See factoid page

event: John prophesied that Christians would not be able to find ordaining bishops throughout the empire.After 529, John observed that potential priests could go to Alexandria,Constantinople without gaining ordination. See factoid page

event: Procopius prophesied the death of Theophilus's parents. He and Maria committed themselves to the teaching of Procopius, refusing to consummate their marriage and concealling their secret. See factoid page

event: In his tears and sighs,the blessed man prophecied that he would die in three days. While on his deathbed, he shared with the brothers that he had been thirty-nine years since he had taken his monastic vows, asking for their prayers and blessings. See factoid page

How to cite:

“Keyword Page for Prophecy,” in SPEAR: Syriac Persons Events and Relations, general editor Daniel L. Schwartz, $nav-base/aggregate/keyword/prophecy.html, 2023-03-23T12:35:19.855-04:00.