SPEAR Factoids about Humility

Syriaca.org URI: http://syriaca.org/keyword/humility

event: After spending five years with Paul,Mare exceeded his teacher in prayer, asceticism, and moderation. Many criticized Mare for the severity of his practices. See factoid page

event: John of Ephesus attempted to provide financial assistance to the poor holy man Priscus by sending a certain gentlemen to give a tremissis (gold coin). Priscus refused and ran away but finally relented and took one follis. See factoid page

event: Hala was a monk who cared for the sick and the needs of the strangers. See factoid page

event: In the convent, the man refused to speak to the brothers, calling himself a stranger, sinner, and son of Adam. See factoid page

event: John of Ephesus attempted to provide assistance to the poor holy man Priscus by sending a certain gentlemen to give him a tunic and a cloak. See factoid page

event: While in the convent the man refused to sleep during the night while others were awake, and during service he would lie on the floor crying, leading the archimandrite question him. See factoid page

event: When the old man came to the convent, the leaders wanted to give him a place of honor. Instead, he chose to sit at the lowest table, refusing even to bless the food. See factoid page

event: Before taking small bites of food or small sips of drink, the poor man would recite silent prayers. See factoid page

event: The archimandrite approached the man about his actions. Attending vespers, he began to cry because of his humility and sinfulness before God. See factoid page

event: Speaking with the archimandrite,the man decided to stay in the convent for the winter. He continued in his silence and weeping, garnering the appreciation of the brothers, who were encouraged by him. See factoid page

event: In his tears and sighs,the blessed man prophecied that he would die in three days. While on his deathbed, he shared with the brothers that he had been thirty-nine years since he had taken his monastic vows, asking for their prayers and blessings. See factoid page

How to cite:

“Keyword Page for Humility,” in SPEAR: Syriac Persons Events and Relations, general editor Daniel L. Schwartz, $nav-base/aggregate/keyword/humility.html, 2023-03-23T12:36:58.527-04:00.