SPEAR Factoids about
Syriaca.org URI: http://syriaca.org/place/191
In November A. D. 201 Teshri II A. Gr. 513 during the reign of Abgar the Great , the Daisan river flooded Edessa destroying the western wall of the city, the Great Palace , and the Church of the Christians . See factoid page
Two thousand people were killed in Edessa by the flooding of the Daisan river in November A. D. 201 Teshri II A. Gr. 513 . The following factoids deal with the same event: 8559-18, 8559-545. The following factoids deal with the same event: 8559-18, 8559-545. See factoid page
In November A. D. 201 Teshri II A. Gr. 513 , Abgar commanded the craftsmen of Edessa to remove their cottage from the banks of the Daisan river . See factoid page