SPEAR Factoids about pride
Syriaca.org URI: http://syriaca.org/keyword/pride
mental: Mare used to behave with great and measureless arrogance and he was haughty. See factoid page
event: Severus of Antioch sent a letter to Anonymi 3726 on the subject of Musonius, especially his greed, pride, and disruptive behavior. See factoid page
mental: Mare used to behave with great and measureless arrogance and he was haughty. See factoid page
event: Maro explained to the people that he would not perform exorcisms because they are a means by which deceitful fiends possess the innocent in order to trick exorcists and healers into believing that they are more powerful than they really are--causing them to fall into the trap of pride and vainglory. See factoid page
event: Maro used the story of the fall of the Anonymous 3629 and his household as a warning against pride. See factoid page