SPEAR Factoids about Mercy

Syriaca.org URI: http://syriaca.org/keyword/mercy

event: Severus wrote a letter to the monastery of Isaac on the subject of receiving the repentant. See factoid page

event: Between 513 and 518, Severus wrote a letter to Aurelius about showing a kind disposition to sin, and how to handle cases of self-mutilation. See factoid page

event: John confronted Theodora about the corrupt bishops and the persecution of Christians. Theodora, angry, sought to punish the jealous bishops, but relented after John interceded on their behalf. She commanded John to cease his ordinations, something he was glad to do due to a growing illness. See factoid page

event: Severus advises Jannia to rule with fear and mercy, bringing forth repentance through ascetic acts of penance, and dismissing women if the community is threatened by their actions. See factoid page

How to cite:

“Keyword Page for Mercy,” in SPEAR: Syriac Persons Events and Relations, general editor Daniel L. Schwartz, $nav-base/aggregate/keyword/mercy.html, 2023-03-23T12:34:37.608-04:00.